What are SSL Certificates? (5 Must know points)

SSL Certificate
SSL Certificate. Credits – HostingFam

Have you ever wondered why is “https” prefix in the browser’s address bar? It means that an SSL certificate has been implemented on the website. Now you may think what is SSL certificate? SSL Certificate also known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) guards communication that is exchanged between a browser and a website/application. For sites enabled with SSL, the browser creates a safe connection with the site’s server.

Why is an SSL certificate necessary?

A website that requests or stores sensitive information from visitors, such as login passwords, private details, or financial data, must have an SSL certificate installed. Without this certificate, the information is delivered in simple text, and therefore it can be intercepted and utilized by hackers.

SSL Certificate
SSL Certificate. Image Credits – HostingFam

In addition, search engine optimization value increases with the installation of an SSL. Google has said publicly that it uses SSL encryption as one of the performance parameters. Sites with SSL installed are more likely to be ranked higher in SERPs than those without.

Types of SSL Certificates

The most widely used are as follows:

  • Domain Validated SSL

These are the most basic type of Secure socket Layers certificate. These ensure that the website’s domain name is same as the one shown on the certificate. In most cases, no supporting paperwork is needed to initiate the validation procedure. Smaller commercial websites, as well as personal blogs, might benefit from these type of certificates.

  • Organization Validated SSL

In addition to validating the domain name, a company’s Validated SSL certificate confirms the legitimacy of the company running the website. To complete the validation procedure, the company must give evidence of its existence, such as articles of incorporation. These certificates are ideal for online retailers and other organizations that handle private customer information.

  • Extended Validation SSL

The website’s owner, the legitimacy of the business, and the domain name are all confirmed while installing these types of certificates. The validation procedure is more stringent, so the company is required to offer more evidence of its legitimacy. These type of certificates are ideal for highly secure organizations like banks and other financial institutions.

  • Wildcard SSL

Wildcard SSL certificates are a type of certificates applicable on multiple subdomains under a common certificate. E.g- An SSL wildcard certificate for “abcdef.com” would also secure subdomains “news.abcdef.com” and “blogs.abcdef.com”.

  • Multi Domain SSL

Multi-Domain SSL certificates are a type of certificates applicable on multiple domains under a common certificate. E.g – For a site “abcdef.com” with SSL multi-domain certificate could secure domains “abcdef.org”, and “abcdef.us”.

  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Setup Instructions

An SSL certificate may be easily installed on a website. To begin, choose a reliable certificate authority (CA) and acquire an SSL certificate from them. E.g – Cloudflare.

You may install a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate on a website on your own, or you may contact a developer for the same.


Any website that requests or stores private information from its users should have an SSL or Secure Socket Layers certificate in today’s Internet age.

Remember to switch your website’s protocol from HTTP to HTTPS. Also get a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate from a reliable certificate authority (CA). Doing so will safeguard your website and the information of your visitors.

To put it briefly, a valid Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is an absolute must for any site that cares about user safety and wants to ensure a secure connection.

  1. Are HTTP and HTTPS same?

    No, HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol whereas HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTPS is more secure than HTTP as HTTPS has SSL installed. To put it simply it is always preferable for websites to have HTTPS in order to gain trust from visitors/users.

  2. I want to know if a website has an SSL certificate?

    The quickest way to know is to look for “https://” in the URL. Apart from this there are various tools to check whether the website has SSL installed. E.g – GoDaddy SSL

  3. Are TLS and SSL same?

    No TLS(Transport Layer Security) is an evolved form of SSL. TLS is more secure and less prone to attacks than an SSL.

  4. How can I get free SSL certificate?

    To get free SSL, click here.

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