How To Choose an Ecommerce Hosting Provider (5 points)

Ecommerce hosting providers are available in the market. With number of number of hosting providers in the market, choosing a right hosting for eCommerce could be quite time consuming. Well let us help you. This article focuses on the ecommerce hosting and points you should consider while selecting ecommerce hosting.

hosting for ecommerce.
ecommerce hosting
Hosting for Ecommerce.
Credits – HostingFam

How to choose ecommerce hosting provider?

  • Speed – Your e-commerce website’s speed is directly related to user experience. If your website loads quickly then customer experience is automatically enhanced leading to increased number of sales.
  • Support – Look for vendors with excellent customer support. Technical issues can occur any time hence it is quite important to choose vendors with excellent customer support.
  • Adaptability – As your online customer base expands, more resources will be required to meet rising demand. Thus, it is important to get a web hosting package that can grow with your business.
  • Security – Any online store should make security its priority. Choosing a hosting provider that offers security tools will not only protect your website but also your client’s personal information. E.g. – Firewalls, SSL/TSL Certificates.
  • Reviews – Reviews can be a useful tool for filtering vendors. . There are various platforms online where you can perform background check of ecommerce hosting provider.
  • Recovery – Backup and recovery are crucial for any website/blog not just for e-commerce. Some realize the importance of backup only after data loss or security breach.
  • CDN – Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a cluster of servers that work in improving website loading time by providing content from a server that is geographically closest to the user. E.g – Your web hosting has CDN enabled and you have clients from USA and Singapore both visiting your e-commerce store. In this case for USA clients, the website will load on a server whose location is nearest to the USA. This will improve user experience. Similarly is the case for clients viewing your site from Singapore. Remember that if CDN is not enabled, your website’s load time will increase, hampering your user experience. This can drive away your potential clients.
  • Control Panel – The hosting plan, domain name, email addresses, and website files for your e-commerce website must all be managed from a single, simple-to-use control panel. Find a web server that has a straightforward control panel that you can easily navigate and administer.
  • Location – As discussed earlier, website server location is crucial for your overall user experience. Choosing a web host that has servers in countries where your customers are located always helps.
  • Features – Look for any stand out features that the ecommerce hosting provider is known for. For e.g – Email Marketing tools integration.

Ecommerce Hosting Providers

Some of the well known ecommerce hosting providers are –

We hope we have helped you in gaining clarity over choosing ecommerce hosting.

Steps for setting up ecommerce hosting

  • The first step is choosing a domain name. A domain name is your brand’s identity. So, make sure you buy a domain name associated with your brand. You can buy domain name from – 1. GoDaddy 2. Hostinger
  • The second step is choosing your hosting provider. A hosting provider hosts your website on his server. So make sure you choose a reliable hosting provider. Some include –
  1. Shopify
  2. BigCommerce
  3. Magneto
  4. Volusion
  • After signing up for plans, install themes and necessary plugins of your ecommerce hosting provider.
  • The next step is designing your website. Make sure to design website aligning towards your brand. Having a unique website design improves website visitors.
  • The next step is to add payment gateways, mandatory pages(disclaimer, privacy policy etc.) on your website.
  • After adding mandatory pages, upload your products and other content such as blogs on your website.
  • The last step is to continuously update your website with respect to market demand, search engine optimization and social media.

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